Overview: Using the Sony DSR-2000 we can now do a few more formats.
DVCPRO or DVCPRO25 - 25Mbps. L or M sizes. This tape has a yellow tape cover.
DVCAM. Standard (184 mins) or mini (40 mins) sizes.
Tested both the SDI (embedded digital audio) and the component XLR combos. Also tried the AES for audio and it was empty!
Cable is labelled DSR 2000 SDI OUT (this is out from the VTR to the PC) needs to be plugged into the breakout box: SDI IN ("top" of box next to the AJA label)
Cable labelled DSR 2000 SDI IN needs to be pluuged into the breakout box ONLY if we are writing from the PC to the VTR: SDI OUT on the breakout box.
Settings tab
Set the Video input: single SDI
Set the audio: Embedded SDI (tried the AES BNC option and empty recording for audio)
Capture tab - File Options
Set File Type to: AVI
Set Video/Audio: Video-Audio
Set Video Subtype: 8-bit YUV 4:2:2 - "2vuy"
Tested both component plus XLR and SDI (embedded audio) and found that the audio tracks were extremely close and the colour of the video was better using the SDI. Seemed the component added a little more unnatural saturation.