None of these documentation files helped.
Creating custom themes for the Effortless Template.
1. Navigate to: Joomla! administrator/template manager/ Effortless - Default/ Options page
2. Under "Layouts" click the "Add" button to create a new layout.
3. Give it a name meaningful to your site: I used LHF
4. Then select a "Style" from the dropdown menu under Style. I chose sun-flower
5. Then and ONLY THEN (after doing the above) will you be able to "see" the newly created "box" BELOW (!!!) at the BOTTOM OF THE PAGE! In this box you MUST check all the pages that you want effected by the choices you have made regarding the style you have chosen.
Other avenues investigated regarding this problem:
turn off the "magic quotes gpc" for Joomla 3.x. This was a problem with other Joomla 3.x installs that I've done and had corrected the problem. While this did not affect the site or solve the current problem of 'style' I left the changes I've made in regards to changing/editing the htaccess.txt to a .htaccess file and creating a php5.ini file in the "administrator" folder. A backup of the htaccess.txt file was created and saved in a folder of the same name. This solved a prior login problem on other Joomla 3.x sites.
Support page for Yootheme:
This page may prove to be useful in the future for this Effortless template:
This page from BDThemes was useless:
Yet another term "Profiles" (!):
Once mastery of the "Warp" framework is reached this "Master Theme" might be useful: It boast being able to craft whatever site is desired (within the parameters of Warp 7).
Download: Free apparently...?