Create a Film Project with DVD Architect Pro

  1. Select a previously made custom LHF theme/template specifically made for either DVD's or Blueray disks depending on the project. In effect this "reverse engineering" of a previously completed project saves a lot of time.
  2. Within the first "Scene Selection" page copy the "attributes" of the first film, ie. the upper left film.  Then delete all but the lower right film which will then be used for alignment of the right-side list of films. The attributes copied will position the then "insert(ed) media" as a list from the upper left position. This makes it easy then to Control-click that first position in the list to leave it in position, then do the same for the others in the list as they are placed in their appropriate spots on the page. Remember, the page is treated as two columns from top to bottom, left column, then the right column.
  3. When selecting multiple films while "Insert(ing) Media" DVD Architect will place the items in a list starting with the most recently chosen item. This means you need to select the films in reverse order to that which you want them to appear on the page. For example: instead of selecting film 01, film 02, film 03, film 04, etc.., select (to have typically 6 on a page) Film 06, Film 05, ..., to Film 01. Holding down the Control Key and selecting each film individually allows for this kind of control in creating a 'reverse list'. By replacing these new films for the current project and deleting the prior films from this template in effect the PLAY ALL on the main menu page will automatically be depleted and can be repopulated as in step 11.
  4. Having referred to the "My Films" text file generated by the customer (placed in the Bin folder), and already having organized the pages (by creating spaces in the list to itemize pages and subsequently DVD's), you will easily be able to correspond the Scene Selection pages and DVDs accordingly. Pay close attention to the "Sort Id" column as this is the order as prescribed by the customer; this will not always be the order of the films as they had been scanned, or the numbered order as per the render folder.
  5. Of the files within the renders folder only the "mpg" files needed be selected, it will pull along with it the required audio file.
  6. Fine tuning of the aligning of films on the scene selection pages can be done with the Align Left and the Align Top tools. Also, when moving films and slightly overlapping them with corresponding films will show a highlighting of the films that you would like to align with; this with proficiency can eliminate the need for the align tools altogether. Also, "Control" + an arrow key will give fine nudge tuning. Do not leave the items overlapped, a warning will be listed regarding this when burning.
  7. Adding a Menu Page can be done by right clicking on the Scene Selection folder in the directory list to the left. Arrow links to subsequent pages will be included automatically.
  8. Aligning the "Scene Selection" text on the page can be done by copying attributes from a previous page, this way all pages become uniform. Paste (all) attributes to the new page item.
  9. Once the films are aligned and in the prescribed order titles can then be copied from the My Films text file and placed with the corresponding film on the Scene Selection page(s). Usually this is comprised of a year followed by a string of text chosen/confirmed by the customer.
  10. A check of the flow through from the Scene Selection page to page can be done to assure that a logical sequencing and complete access to all films and pages are possible.
  11. The "PLAY ALL" button can now be populated by "inserting" a "playlist" to the PLAY ALL button link. This is done on the lower half of the screen by clicking on the "PLAY ALL" in the directory, ALSO selecting PLAY ALL in the drop-down list in the lower part of the screen, then click on the PLUS sign to "insert playlist ITEMS". Choose "Select All" and OK. This will populate the list below. Be sure to compare this list with the order that is shown in the directory to the left of the screen. Correct the playlist item order if it is not.
  12. The project should be ready to burn to disc. From the "Make DVD" button at the top menu, a dialogue box will appear. Usually "Burn" is selected to immediately burn a disk. Prepare can be selected to only create the VIDEO_TS folder and VOB files. This prepare can then be burned at a later date. Otherwise select "Burn". A Prepare location for the files will need to specified, usually within the project folder. Click Next. The next dialogue box will specify any errors that may need to be corrected before proceeding; such as broken links. When fixed click Next. The next dialogue box will ask what speed to burn at. Choose the speed one step lower than the maximum speed available.
  13. When discs are burned they are ready to have the Disc Surfaces printed on them. There are other Knowledgebase articles that cover this process of preparing and disc surfaces, dvd case covers for this purpose.