The Capture2 station has a "batch" executable on the desktop called VHS NTSC.bat - Shortcut which is used for both VHS and SVHS tapes. Clicking this will call up a script within a command prompt window, press any key to initiate the script. In the following dialogue box click Yes. This script resets all required registries to run Virtual Dub.
The system is set up to capture FFMpeg-v1 via the Blackmagic card which includes the SDI box that further conditions the signal. The FFMpeg-v1 codec is a highend archival format which we then upgrade to FFMpeg-v3 later once transfering files to R:/ (Thor has the required MyFFMpeg application installed to do this)
Main Keys to Operate:
F2 will call up the file system in order to name and place the video to be captured.
F5 will initiate capture
Esc will terminate capture