Overview: Customer has a NTSC DVD that they want converted to PAL.
When recreating the DVD the menu cannot be transferred over (without a huge amount of work). So, we recreate the menu and scene selection by creating markers for each clip and placing these for menu markers.
- Using Sony Vegas import the media from the DVD.
- Place media on the Vegas timeline
- Go to UltimateS' marker tab and create "Marks" for each event.
- Use "Chapter" or "Scene" plus sequence numbers to create the names.
- Create a Region for the whole DVD...all clips.
- Render out the regions using UltimateS batch render and select the correct PAL DVD preset (full or widescreen).
- Open DVD Arch; choose "Menu Based".
- Set to PAL and the correct aspect, 4:3 or 16:9; be aware of the finer details ie., MPEG-2 720x576-50i, 4:3 (PAL).
- Create "PLAY ALL" button by right-clicking on the home page and inserting large media file (that incidentally has markers from vegas denoting all the scenes).
- Change the 'video' name to "PLAY ALL".
- Delete the old PLAY ALL button as you don't need that one.
- Right-click on the new PLAY ALL button and click on "Insert Scene Selection Menu..."
- You will be asked how many scenes per page; choose 6 or 8 as per the number of scenes (to cut down on the number of pages choose 8). Scenes will be based on the markers within the large media file.
- Align items on the first Scene Selection page accordingly; then select all except the page re-direction arrows and then "Copy". You can then select all these same items on the remaining pages and Paste Attributes - All, to copy the formatting on this and other pages using this method.
- All the scene selection and menu page links should already be situated at the bottom of the respective page lists so that they will be highlighted last.
- prep and burn DVD.