The Four Departments
- Photography
- Videography
- Sales
- Editing
Below is a basic technical overview of our typical setup (without adjudication), with each department's responsibilities in different colors.
Brief Overview
- Gear: Camera, Tripod, Memory Cards, Laptop, Paper + Pen, Event Program, Business Cards
- Role: Take photos, transmit to server
- Network Components: Power, Ethernet, USB
- Gear: Video Camera, Tapes, Paper + Pen, Event Program, Business Cards
- Role: record video, note capture log, monitor audio
- Network Components: Power, Ethernet, Firewire, Audio, BNC
- Gear: 3 Preview Computers, 3 LCD Monitors, 3 Mice, Pens, Order Forms, Debit Machine, Petty Cash, Business Cards, Event Program, Promo Papers, Stapler
- Role: Take sales from customers, deliver sales to customers, communicate with editor
- Network Components: Power, Ethernet, USB Hard Drives?
- Gear: 3 Computers (Editing, Photo Server, Video Capture Bot), 3 LCD Monitors, 3 Mice, 1 keyboard, 2 Printers, DVD-Burner(s), Blank DVDs, Blank CDs, Photo Paper, DVD Cases, CD Cases, Regular Paper, Pen, Event Program, Business Cards, Gaffer Tape, Router, Switch, Dedicated Hard-drive(s)
- Role: Monitor Video Capture, Produce customer orders (edit/render/burn/print), monitor servers, monitor photo stations, Backup Video
- Network Components: Internet?, Ethernet, Firewire, Power