For people who signed up but never Pre-Ordered
Subject: $studio's Video Yearbook Pre-Order
Hi Dancers,
We noticed that you've signed up on the Video Yearbook website, but haven't placed a Pre-Order for your copy! You only have until the end of tomorrow (May 27th) to place your Pre-Order.
Remember that every Pre-Order increases your studio's discount, saving everyone money! Your Video Yearbook Set started at $42.00 each. So far, your studio has pre-ordered 90 copies, earning your studio a discount of 9%.
Once you break 100 copies, the discount accelerates rapidly. For example, if your studio reaches 125 copies, your discount is doubled to 18%! Reducing your Video Yearbook sets to just $34.44 for both shows!
Pre-Order today, and remember to tell your friends as well!
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media
For people who signed up but never Pre-Ordered (If Pre-Orders are at less than 60)
Subject: $studio's Video Yearbook Pre-Order
Hi Dancers,
We noticed that you’ve signed up on the Video Yearbook website, but haven’t placed a Pre-Order for your copy! The deadline for Pre-Orders was supposed to be the end of tomorrow, but we've just extended the deadline to Saturday June 5th!
Remember that every Pre-Order increases your studio’s discount, saving everyone money! Your Video Yearbook Set started at $49.00 each. So far, your studio has pre-ordered 39 copies, earning your studio a discount of 4%.
Your studio's discount is designed to accelerate rapidly after 100 copies are Pre-Ordered, so that we can cover our costs and then give as much as we can back to you!
Pre-Order today, and remember to tell your friends as well!
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media
Before the Pre-Order date, encouraging them to tell friends
Subject: $studio's Video Yearbook Discount!
Hi Dancers,
Thank you for Pre-Ordering your Video Yearbook set! You will receive an email in a few days with instructions on how to complete your payment. This is just a reminder that the Pre-Order deadline is the end of tomorrow (May 27th), and it's your last chance to tell your friends to place their Pre-Orders!
Remember that every Pre-Order increases your studio's discount, saving everyone money! Your Video Yearbook Set started at $42.00 each. So far, your studio has pre-ordered 90 copies, earning your studio a discount of 9%.
Once you break 100 copies, the discount accelerates rapidly. For example, if your studio reaches 125 copies, your discount is doubled to 18%! Reducing your Video Yearbook sets to just $34.44 for both shows!
If you login to the website, we've even created a "Tell a Friend" form which will also send them the Discount Meter so they can see your studio's discount in action!
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media
If the numbers are too low, the deadline extension email:
Subject: $studio's Video Yearbook Pre-Order
Hi Dancers,
Thank you for signing up on the Video Yearbook website! The $STUDIO Video Yearbook Set started at $START_PRICE each. So far, your studio has pre-ordered $COPIES copies. $COPIES Pre-orders gives your studio a discount of $DISCOUNT%, making Video Yearbook sets $DISCOUNT_PRICE each.
We're excited to announce that we're extending the Pre-Order deadline by three days to $DATE so that you have the opportunity to increase your studio's discount! Every pre-order counts towards the discount, so remind your friends to pre-order before the end of $DATE so that everyone can get their DVDs for less.
This year, we've included copy protection on all of our DVDs in order to better protect the privacy of all dancers.
After $DATE, come on back and visit to complete the payment of your Video Yearbook. And remember to tell your friends in order to save more money!
If you miss the pre-order deadline and still want to purchase additional copies of your video yearbook, you can get them from with the discount that was achieved by $DATE.
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media
For people who complain about PayPal
Hi Katrina,
Thank you for your Pre-Order! I can confirm that we received the transaction last night.
We're sorry to hear that it was a hassle to process the payment, but one of the reasons we decided to go with PayPal was for the reason that it's not necessary to create an account with them. You can simply type in your payment information and have it processed without signing up with them.
We can also process payment over the phone, or receive cheques by mail if you would like to complete your payment this way when the discount is locked-in.
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media
Complete Payment Notification
$studio's Video Yearbook - Complete Payment
Hi Dancers,
Thank you for Pre-Ordering your Video Yearbook set for Defy Gravity! Your Video Yearbook Set started at $42.00 each, and your studio has Pre-Ordered 114 copies. 114 Pre-orders gives your studio a discount of 14%, making Video Yearbook set price locked in at $36.12 each.
The time has come to complete your payment - so head over to and login to your account. If you've forgotten your password, we can help you with that! When completing your payment, you'll also be able to choose if you'd like to upgrade your Video Yearbook to High Definition Blu-ray, or have the set mailed to your home.
Remember to look for the login field in the top right corner of the website instead of trying to sign-up again.
We're always looking to improve our products, so we've prepared a short survey to help us out! If you could spare a couple minutes to answer our 8 short questions, it would be greatly appreciated!
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media
Video Yearbook is Ready
Video Yearbook is Ready!
Hi Dancers!
Your Video Yearbook sets have been delivered to $studio's dance studio! If you are receiving this email, it is because you ordered a copy of Video Yearbook. If you selected to have your DVDs mailed to you, you should receive them within the next few days. If you did not select the mailing option, your DVDs are now ready for pickup from the studio.
$notes_about_studio_pickup_times. If you miss those pickup times, call the studio to make pickup arrangements.
Paul Romein
Production Manager
Techno Monkey Media