Overview When rebuilding a PC it is always really handy to know what programs are installed on a PC. Here's a simple way to do this:
1) Search (program files search window) for Windows Easy Transfer.
2) Run the program...helps to have a flashdrive or HDD connected to the system to write to.
a) Don't selected all the SHARED ITEMS as this could be huge. Go into customize and de-select a lot of the shared items.
3) After the program has been run, there is a Programs Report that could be run (again search for easy transfer....select reports one). The program will show the report but you cannot print it. Here is the location of the XML file with the info....just open it in excel:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Easy Transfer\PostMigData\2011-10-14\SourceAppList.xml
Lots of info on the program: