Overview This is to document the systems that are here a LHF and how they connect.
Flag - film capture computer. In the den.
Apollo - admin, slide/negative capture computer. In the den.
Xavier - print server, scanners, reel-to-reel. In the den.
Space - RAW server, user data, backups, reel-to-reel, VTR's. In den.
MAC - Power MAC, used for transferring films to Mac drives. In the den.
Music - used to capture vinyl records and cassette audio tapes. In the recroom.
Drone - desk top computer under the stairs.
Zergling - film thumbnail processing linux computer tower under the stairs. Address
D-Link - router in the den. DI-624. Address Wireless: stfu, WEP, key 0111110100
Access Zergling:
Zergling is the linux box that handles the processing of thumbnails for myfilms. Need to access the system using putty. Putty is located on Xavier's desktop. Once Putty is running, enter the host name or IP address, either Zergling or The port is 22. Logon id: paulish and pwd is Paul's month.
Zergling uses mount points to dynamically mount directories from Flag so that it can process thumbs....or something like that.
some Linux cmds:
<ctrl> D to exit putty.
ls - list files
cd - change directory. cd .. (go back), cd /directory/sub/etc
mkdir - make directory
rmdir - remove directory