
Vegas - Adjusting Film Side Bars

Overview:On a Vegas film project template we use two separate video tracks that create black bars on the left and right of the image to hide the sprockets and film edges.   One video track creates the bar on the left and the other video track creates the bar on the right.  Every now and again these bars do not cover these areas correctly. Here's how to change them.

Adjusting the Bars:

  1. <right-click> with the cursor placed on the video track that needs adjusting.
  2. <select> "Edit Generated Media"
  3. The generated media is a "Sony Color Gradient".  There are three "control points" that make up the gradient.  Typically when you open the Color Gradient it will show a number "1" in centre of the color gradient window.   The "Control Point Properties" window on the right will start with the "Distance" parameter.  We need to be IN ANOTHER DISPLAY".
  4. Under the "Control Points" window there are six buttons (+, -, <-, ->,...etc).  Click on the "<-" button.
  5. The "Control Point Properties" window should now start with a "X:" and "Y:" boxes with the values of 0.500 in them.
  6. Adjust the "X:" value to change how far or how little the bar moves across the image.  For example, 0.4 will occupy a sliver along the edge of the image, whereas a value of 0.85 will cover almost half the image.

Our Place in the Growth of the Internet

I was reading a lengthy article on the Google blog about the importance of their existance in rapid expansion of the internet, and this paragraph stuck out to me as how we fit into their picture:

Systems that facilitate high-quality content creation and editing are crucial for the Internet's continued growth, because without them we will all sink in a cesspool of drivel. We need to make it easier for the experts, journalists, and editors that we actually trust to publish their work under an authorship model that is authenticated and extensible, and then to monetize in a meaningful way. We need to make it easier for a user who sees one piece by an expert he likes to search through that expert's entire body of work. Then our users will be able to benefit from the best of both worlds: thoughtful and spontaneous, long form and short, of the ages and in the moment.

// http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/02/from-height-of-this-place.html